2 min read

Primary Sight Becomes Tompkins Robotics ANZ

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Hello everyone,

I’m excited to share some fantastic news with you all. Primary Sight, a premier provider of supply chain technology solutions in Australia and New Zealand, is officially becoming Tompkins Robotics ANZ. This is a significant milestone for us, and I wanted to take a moment to talk about what this means for our valued customers and devoted partners.

We’re thrilled to have Primary Sight as a part of the Tompkins Robotics universe. For those who may not be familiar, the team from Primary Sight, led by Sean Hewat, has over 30 years of industry experience in delivering innovative, cost-effective solutions from concept through implementation in the Australia and New Zealand markets.   

Primary Sight’s track record speaks for itself, and their expertise complements our mission at Tompkins Robotics perfectly. Together, we’ve already made significant strides, improving productivity and reducing operational costs for our clients. Coming together solidifies our commitment to empower businesses around the world to create a more efficient, flexible and scalable future. 

We have had a strong and successful working relationship with Sean Hewat and the team since 2019, and now we look forward to welcoming them as a part of Tompkins Robotics to grow innovative robotics solutions in the ANZ market. Sean will be taking on the role of Head of ANZ Operations for Tompkins Robotics. The expertise and local market knowledge that Primary Sight brings to the table are invaluable, and we’re excited to make waves in the industry together. 

Working with Sean and his team over the past five years has been incredibly rewarding. We’ve shared a common vision for innovation and efficiency, and it is a natural progression of our collaboration. We will continue to deliver even more groundbreaking robotic solutions that will increase efficiency, lower costs, and promote sustainable, scalable growth for our customers. 

We’re not just expanding our global footprint; we’re enhancing our ability to innovate and provide top-notch solutions to businesses looking to optimize their supply chains. This means faster processing times, reduced manual labor, and more resilient operations for our clients.  

I couldn’t be more excited about what the future holds with the Primary Sight team officially becoming a part of Tompkins Robotics. I’m confident that together, we’ll set new standards in the supply chain automation industry.  

Our newly aligned team will be showcasing our award-winning sortation and pick assist AMRs  at CeMAT, Australia’s leading tradeshow for robotics and automation, Juy 23-25th in Melbourne.  

To learn more about the ever-expanding team and what this means for the ANZ region, reach out to connect. 

Here’s to a bright and innovative future on a global scale! 

-Thompson Brockman 

EVP, Customer Operations